Does your email inbox look like mine? I have 9,789 items in my file I label "bacn" or bacon! That's where all my direct and promotional emails are sent. These emails represent "the perfect storm" of clutter. I could try to go through them, but what useful purpose would that serve?
I am well aware, these messages multiplying exponentially in my mailbox are my own fault. I have undoubtedly signed up for these little notices and promotions. Because signing up for them is so effortless, the volume of messages starts to escalate very rapidly and before you know it, you are completely overwhelmed and underprepared for the amount of work it takes to read them and/or dispose of them on a daily basis.
The best solution, I need to open the messages and opt out. That, of course, is easier said than done!
Today's Items
This task feels daunting and the messages remind me of Mrs. Kravitz, the nosy neighbor from Bewitched - a popular sitcom from the 70's. When you click on the opt out button, a dialogue box often pops up asking for the reason you don't want to receive the messages any more. I can't help hearing my inner voice reply, "It's none of your beeswax."
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Mrs. Gladys Kravitz - The Nosy Neighbor |
After going through the opting out process on about 10 messages, I'd had enough. I came to a decision. Samantha, the main character from Bewitched often used magic to deal with Mrs. Kravitz. I have the power to perform magic too. I selected all the conversations. Deleted, confirmed, and deleted again. And just like that, all the messages were sent to trash. Even Google offered me a way out and gave me a chance to undo my email elimination. I didn't relent, stuck to my guns and boy does it feel great to have a completely empty mailbox!
Moving forward, I will opt out of a few messages a day. This is perfectly in line with the Only 3 Things A Day Challenge and maybe before long, I won't be getting all this junk email. There is nothing like starting fresh! Even Mrs. Kravitz would have to agree!
So here we are on Day 8 and I have eliminated thousands of items that were cluttering up my life. Hope you will join the challenge. Remember, I will never judge you or all the stuff you have accumulated. Together we can lighten our loads.
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