Saturday, October 4, 2014

GWP - Free Clutter!

If you purchase cosmetics from your local department store, you may have been the lucky recipient of a GWP or Gift With Purchase.  It's hard to walk through the Macy's without noticing the signs that remind you that it's Bonus Time at the Clinique counter. The ages-old premise is designed by the cosmetic companies to increase the amount you purchase.  It simply works like this -  you can go home with a pretty bag of small size products/goodies if you spend above a certain amount.  It's the Happy Meal for cosmetic users.  I often plan my purchases around these GWP's - because hey - who doesn't love something free?

Today's Items

I have an overabundance of the pretty little bags; eye make-up removers; weird-shaped cosmetic brushes that leave black hairs all over your face; and tubes of cleansers for acne-prone skin.  I save all these things - for trips I never take;  skin conditions I will never have; and out of town visitors that don't come to stay.  I have baskets and baskets of them in the GWP Graveyard!

The GWP Graveyard

Most of the potions and tubes have no dates on them, so who knows how long I have had them loitering around.  In fact, some of the products I recognize as no longer in production.  Many of the brushes are too exotic for a "plain vanilla" make-up girl like me.  I don't do any contouring, shading or spackling.

So what's my plan for these items?  After eliminating the items, I am sure are out of date or too old to be safe, I'm on the hunt for a woman's shelter in my area.  I will call around and find out if there's an emergency domestic abuse shelter that will take these items.  My fingers are crossed I can find somewhere for these products to land and to be used and appreciated.  I can only imagine how much space I will garner under my bathroom sink when I'm done!

Moving forward in my efforts to avoid clutter - even if it's free clutter.  I am going to avoid the GWP trap.  I might just find my bank account a little more flush by spending less money on that extra lipstick or eyeliner (an item I will undoubtedly never use) that I add to my purchase to get me to the spending threshold required to receive my GWP.  Emotionally, I think I will miss the freebies, but logically I know this is stuff I will never use!  My new mantra will have to be - "No more GWP for me."  Hope I can stick to my convictions.  Keep an eye out for me at the Lancome counter - and thump me upside the head if you see me fall off the wagon!  Just to test me, look at what came in the mail today!  I practiced self-control and put the card in the recycling bin.

Self control needed - the card went right to the trash!

Have you ever fallen prey to the GWP trap?  I'd love to hear if you have a clever way for using the items without waste and clutter.

Hope you decide to join the challenge!  Remember, I will never judge you or the stuff you have accumulated!  We need to stick together and lighten our loads!

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